Viper Registry / Viper Truck Registry

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ViperJeff 09-16-2018 10:17 AM

Affiliations to other sites
There will be none

I don’t care what club you belong to or what FB Page you frequent and operate. This forum will run independently.

Production build stats may not be provided and single truck or car stats will be limited to what I know

I continue to operate the International Viper Registry. Sometimes I will refer you there for information. No truck details are on that site. There is a good chance I won’t finish the 2017 stats, as I was told the data was being mined for a book. I have no independent knowledge of who or if true.

At some point, all communication on Registry data will be done here. This will include the requests for build numbers, if continued dash plaques and certificates

Viper work may be problematic, but I’ll do my best. Lost my ability to get MDH’s so build Numbers for 93-2006 are not done

2004 Viper Truck Build Numbers are also problematic. I get that data though a series of contacts and after 11 years of help, I may have lost that also as the last few request have taken more and more time.

At some point, in the coming years (if site is viable), all my data will be here, and yes, at some point there may be fees.

More to come

ViperJeff 01-09-2019 03:31 PM

Re: Affiliations to other sites
Added a few thing to some different sites to mixed results

ViperJeff 11-29-2021 01:18 PM

Re: Affiliations to other sites
Was going through all my social media links to various pages...... geez, crazy

Being independent does have it's advantages, and now, I can just do my thing, post up maybe some useful stuff and people can search it out if so wanted. People just have to know to search for Viper Registry or maybe Viper Truck Registry

ViperJeff 12-01-2021 12:37 PM

Re: Affiliations to other sites
So I was asked if I plan on posting further information on the VCA, VOA, VTCOA?

Yes, from time to time as warranted. Over the years, direct questions on the forums has been slim to none. Most quests come from PM's and DM's. So when asked publicly, I will respond publicly, otherwise, no

ViperJeff 12-07-2021 09:53 AM

Re: Affiliations to other sites
Well, time is running out on using social media. that 12/31/2021 date is coming fast. It's going to be odd not to post there anymore, but it's just not fun, it's annoying and I'm really tired of seeing the partially false tags on everything, knowing that if its partially false, the full answer is mostly true. Imagine that

Also, I've realized over the past two years as I've been shutting things down, the participation level on social media hasn't really changed, it seems to be the same handful of people that interact. So moving the entirety of my process here only makes sense. FB, Instagram, Twotter, Parler, locals will not work with what I've been doing with the registries and history. FB, Instagram, Twotter, Parler, locals is where information goes to die and disappear.

Well, there are those other places like viperparts... there data is laughable, but more popular that mine, so haha, hehe, hoho, get your data from where you trust

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