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ViperJeff 07-07-2012 10:36 AM

Build Number Status Update 07/07/2012
Well, I'm really beginning to question the total production of 2006. I have 1913 VIN's found. Based on a document that was never authenticated, it was believed that there were 2373, leaving me 460 short. (found 9 duplicates, so my progress, was........ nulified... dammit. I've gone through about 35k of the 275k truck VIN's for 2006 and I must say. I'm just a bit wore out.

Here is my concern. I need to make absolutely sure I have the total. Guessing at this point is as dumb as the guess for 2005 being 4097 and I think most everyone knows how that worked out. I wanted to have this done by the end of June, obviously I have failed and failed pretty bad.

The work however continues. The help I thought I might get from an insider has turned out to be a bit disappointing and because I was relying on that inside information, I didn't work as hard as maybe I should have. Just didn't want to do a bunch of work... well.... just to do it for nothing. Now I just going to continue with what I know and how I know to get it and finish. CompNine has been a huge asset and has reduced the time I needed to complete a lot of this by what I think is years. In the coming days, I'm sure I will need his services again to include defining down all the Night Runners. They are the only ones that are still in question, but I'm fairly certain I know the VIN range based on what I know. Time to spend less time being sidetracked with pointless and useless things and knuckle down



Wifey 07-07-2012 12:47 PM

Failed? WTF is your definition of FAIL? Bullshit, you ARE THE SLEUTH! :smoke2::smoke2: :smoke2:

Go get em Jeffey :dogpile: :dogpile:

Wifey 07-07-2012 12:50 PM

While you're at it, Yettie needs launch codes for eliminiating the tankers that are spraying nano-bots all over the midwest (link to follow, later)

and to VAPORIZE those damned politicians. :biggun: :biggun: :biggun:

And where is HELMS when we need him? The sprinkles are getting short around here.

Oh, and I asked yettie to get HELMS out of DC before vaporization :dogpile: :dogpile:

ViperJeff 07-07-2012 01:52 PM

First code is

The next is a bit more difficult
616c6c20706f6c6974696369616e7320617265207374757069 64

Key to find sprinkles

Hope that helps and yes, these code when unencrypted mean something

Wifey 07-07-2012 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by ViperJeff (Post 27445)
First code is

The next is a bit more difficult
616c6c20706f6c6974696369616e7320617265207374757069 64

Key to find sprinkles

Hope that helps and yes, these code when unencrypted mean something

OK I believe you, I will see if we can unencrypt them :eek: :dogpile:

ViperJeff 07-08-2012 12:24 PM


Just found 14

I know have a theory on where to look and the theary works... So.. What is it called when it's not a theory anymore

ViperJeff 07-08-2012 10:28 PM

Well, I'm 51 VIN's closer to my goal and it officially puts me over 10,000 RAM SRT-10 VIN's

Who would have thought


TheOl 55 07-09-2012 07:30 AM

Kicking Ass Jeff! Good for you!

ViperJeff 07-09-2012 08:48 PM


Got another one!!!!

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