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ViperJeff 07-24-2012 09:45 AM

Just a rant.... No Biggy
I can honestly say I was a bit let down after the release of build numbers. It took so incredibly long to develop a process, learn the secrets, find the data, put the pieces together... that interest had fallen to a level almost hard to measure. My rant on another thread brought to the surface what I knew, but maybe didn't fully comprehend until that very moment in time. I knew my focus was small and I know the followers were extremely limited. While I was typing it out it all made perfect sense and I caught myself nodding my head .

I have since went back and looked at the post and re-read it

I have slept on it

I went back to the srt10forum and started looking at old threads and the energy that was placed on the 2004 build numbers. Looked at how that was eaten up by the new 2005 owners and the drive to get numbers. Then off to the VTCoA where the 2006 owners were continually told,...., forget it, it will never happen (a lot of those posts were mine). Over the next 4 years, new member after new member joined to learn their build number.

Reflecting back, I remember when each person asked, it made that drive even stronger, I'm going to get there.

The year is Dec/2010 kinda of a peak in my process. I was approached by the owner of a new forum. To be involved in it's growth. I was even more excited. A lot of things happened and a lot of things were discussed. It's funny how one remembers more accurately the things that they want to and forget quickly the things that holds no immediate value. I was a perfect example of that failing. I remember what I was offered and not what I promised to do...... crash!!!!!

....current........ As I sit here in front of my computer and the search has for the most part come to an end, I'm bored...... What I thought would be the next chapter, hasn't happened (Viper). What I thought would be a continued process of this chapter has stalled.

Remember this is just a rant, not a white flag. I feel better. I've learned over these many many years not to hold this crap in, release it and more on and thats what I did.

Time to BBQ :party33:. Yea, I know it's a Tuesday, however, it's a State Holiday here.

Have a Great Day, just like I'm having :dogpile:


Wifey 07-30-2012 09:18 PM

Wow, I read that whole post and I even feel better now!

Thanks for all you do and have continuously done for us - you ROCK :smoke2: :smoke2: :smoke2::winner_first_h4h:

ViperJeff 07-31-2012 07:59 AM

That failing has been further marred by the lack of interest in this round of dash plaques (2)

To everyone I offer my apology for what I'm might do and how I might behave

ViperJeff 09-27-2012 01:11 PM

Now that 2 months of sleeping on it has passed, you still feel a bit disappointed. I just don't seem to have the same enthusiasm I used to have. It's kinda crazy in a way. I still have people asking for build numbers and the most frustrating part is the lack of a simple "Thank You". I'm pretty much done over on the srt10forum. The last 7 build numbers (including 2004's), only one person had the courtesy to say "thanks". How freakin hard is one word.

The guy that helps me with the 2004 numbers, I thank him every time. To me, it's no small effort.

Well, enough of a rant for today. Been following the VCA's elections..... WOW, talk about drama!!!!!!

Type at you soon


Wifey 09-28-2012 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by ViperJeff (Post 30475)
Now that 2 months of sleeping on it has passed, you still feel a bit disappointed. I just don't seem to have the same enthusiasm I used to have. It's kinda crazy in a way. I still have people asking for build numbers and the most frustrating part is the lack of a simple "Thank You". I'm pretty much done over on the srt10forum. The last 7 build numbers (including 2004's), only one person had the courtesy to say "thanks". How freakin hard is one word.

The guy that helps me with the 2004 numbers, I thank him every time. To me, it's no small effort.

Well, enough of a rant for today. Been following the VCA's elections..... WOW, talk about drama!!!!!!

Type at you soon


THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO FOR US JEFFEY!! - BUILD NUMBERS, REGISTRY INFO, WIKI INFO, A FORUM, I CAN'T LIST THEM ALL ........... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! :dogpile: :winner_first_h4h: :winner_first_h4h: :winner_first_h4h:

ViperJeff 09-28-2012 11:28 AM

I guess maybe I mis-typed
Please understand, I know how people feel and I appreciate it more than anyone knows.
The problem I have is with the new folks, it’s seems to have turned into an entitlement with build numbers and other information that I may or may not have related to a Viper Truck. They are rude and at times, disrespectful. I am no longer going to walk on eggshells around here or anywhere else for that matter. There is going to be a lot more quid pro quo. I know that will affect this whole process negatively, however, all the negative will be in someone elses head and not mine.

It also needs to be understood and maybe not accepted that anyone that is dumb as I and has put this much effort in a single thing, kinda takes things a little more personal than others. It doesn’t make it right, me right and I know for a fact I shouldn’t expect or require anything of people. Everything I’ve done is based on a shared involvement. Again, taking this way to personal, I’m sharing and it’s not reciprocal a lot of times.
Let me just say “Thank You” to those who continue to help, you know who you are.
This rant may be a never ending process because it’s a good way to eliminate the demons (demons = inconsiderate and arrogant requestors of info)

Good Day

It’s been good typin at you and looking forward to sharing some typed characters real soon


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