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TheOl 55 04-19-2012 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by ViperJeff (Post 23421)
and before we get too off topic, I'm just wondering if I open it up more to Track times, mods, gtg's all the normal stuff you see on a car or truck forum. I'm just concerned that I've created a venue that looks restrictive.....

has really nothing to do with who shows up. I'm sure if Hennessey was to show up, the community would let them know there concerns....

With Cornwell Tools and a few others that I've been talking with, it would be good to consider expanding to meet the needs of the community and not just the Registry...

Thoughts :argue:

I'm not the brightest bulb in the box so please clarify why you think that would look restrictive.

Django 04-19-2012 01:10 PM

Inviting Hank and his goons will be a personal affront to me.

You should prepare for a fuckin' shitstorm like you ain' never fkn seen before.

Barring that, I'll just leave.

Even the discussion of letting those assclowns back in here is a slap in my fkng face.

I hope you hear what I'm saying....

I don't have to post here.... or anywhere else for that matter.

Jesus Fucking A.


ViperJeff 04-19-2012 01:16 PM

read it again Tim.....

I'm not asking about people....., I asking about area's of the Forum for GTG's, Builds, Racing.... etc normal car forum subjects

Django 04-19-2012 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by ViperJeff (Post 23432)
read it again Tim.....

I'm not asking about people....., I asking about area's of the Forum for GTG's, Builds, Racing.... etc normal car forum subjects

The last few posts (not yours) suggested otherwise.

If I read them wrong, I apologize.

Just drawing a line in the sand regarding specific individuals.

Thanks, Jeff.


ViperJeff 04-19-2012 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by TheOl 55 (Post 23426)
I'm not the brightest bulb in the box so please clarify why you think that would look restrictive.

Right now we have two basic subjects, "The Registry" and "Post Ho"

I would like someday, to have as many posts outside the Post Ho area as I do inside the post ho area. That will take time and some cultivating, but the subject matter needs to be of some interest that encourages comment. I can post about how many VIN's I have all day, for most, they can appreciate the effort, but what do you really say.

oldcolt has a great little Striker Head project going on, right now, I would like to see more of that and will be adding a place to discuss such things.

I've had a number of parts sites contact me to be vendors, most of them have no idea what a Viper even is and looking through their parts list, the only thing I could find that could be used on a viper powered vehicle is maybe an air freshener. So, so far, I have turned all of them down.


keep those thoughts coming and stop scaring Tim in believing "Ban's" are be lifted, the answer is no and will remain no, once a lifetime ban has been applied, their done.

I obviously don't ask questions correctly :shrug:

TheOl 55 04-19-2012 01:48 PM

My intent was never to set Tim off. If that was interpreted that way then I apologize. Tim, I know what went on between you and those knuckleheads and I would never like to see that kind of crap go on again. You must also realize that Jeff holds you in high regard and would never intentionally let people in that would destroy this place and cause grief. And if some slime did get in here, not the old slime because there finished, but new slime, you know that Jeff would show them the door.

You asked the question correctly. Jeff, I forget that we are inside of a special section of the forum. You are right it would be good to see more activity in the main section. And I did not know the oldcolt was building something special!

Now I will just STFU.

ViperJeff 04-19-2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by TheOl 55 (Post 23437)
My intent was never to set Tim off. If that was interpreted that way then I apologize. Tim, I know what went on between you and those knuckleheads and I would never like to see that kind of crap go on again. You must also realize that Jeff holds you in high regard and would never intentionally let people in that would destroy this place and cause grief. And if some slime did get in here, not the old slime because there finished, but new slime, you know that Jeff would show them the door.

You asked the question correctly. Jeff, I forget that we are inside of a special section of the forum. You are right it would be good to see more activity in the main section. And I did not know the oldcolt was building something special!

Now I will just STFU.

You best not..... I like your input :fuckyea:

TheOl 55 04-19-2012 04:50 PM


Django 04-19-2012 05:07 PM

Tim's just an old bastard with issues.

Forgive his momentary lapses of acuity and ignorance.....


TheOl 55 04-19-2012 06:02 PM

Were ALL old Bastards with issues.

Your Forgiven.

ViperJeff 04-19-2012 07:46 PM

I;m a Bastard, just not very old

VIPR PWR 04-19-2012 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by TheOl 55 (Post 23448)
Were ALL old Bastards with issues.

Your Forgiven.

Speak for yourselves:favorites68::happy3:

Django 04-19-2012 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by VIPR PWR (Post 23455)
Speak for yourselves:favorites68::happy3:

Why...... how old are you, Jim?


VIPR PWR 04-20-2012 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Silent D (Post 23459)
Why...... how old are you, Jim?


Because I am NOT an "old Bastard with issues". :favorites68: I am becoming and Old Fart with issues , lots of issues .:favorites68:

53 years 8 months 21 days
644 months 21 days
or 2803 weeks 2 days
or 19623 days
or 470952 hours
or 28257120 minutes
or 1695427200 seconds
AND COUNTING :smoke2::dogpile:

TheOl 55 04-20-2012 07:05 AM

Approaching "old Bastard with issues". Very Quickly.

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